Homielist is inspired by Facebook.
The site is built using Flask, Python, SQLite,
JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, React, Redux, PostgreSQL.
Homielist is inspired by Facebook.
The site is built using Flask, Python, SQLite,
JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, React, Redux, PostgreSQL.
Ingenius is inspired by Genius and Collaborated with 3 other
awesome SWEs .The site is built using Python, CSS, HTML,
React/Redux, PostgreSQL , Flask, SQlite.
I_BnB is a full stack application clone of AirBnB.
The site is built with JavaScript, PostgreSQL, CSS3, HTML5,
Sequelize, Express.js, React, Redux and hosted by HEROKU.
Thank you for checking my portfolio!
Hi, My name is Simon Tan and I am from Bay Area. I am a Full Stack Software
Engineer with a background in Finance and Accounting. I am passionate
about building software that can help people and make their lives easier.
I graduated from App Academy, a highly selective software engineer program where i spend more than 1000 hours learning and building projects. I am currently looking for a full time position as a software engineer.
When I am not coding, I love to hang out or play video games with friends, trying out new food spots, looking up online about soccer/keyboards or anything Tech related that interests me on the internet.